Anti-SPAM Policy

Everything you need for your online presence

Sending unsolicited commercial messages for any purpose, such as but not limited to promoting any web site, service or product, using CHML services and/or through third party servers for the promotion of any CHML hosted site is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with this provision will result in the suspension and/or cancellation of any service through which this provision has been breached, without refund of the amount paid.

Email lists may be operated where individuals have enrolled using Double Opt-In methods, and the procedure for removal from lists is published in all messages. This means that the owner of the email address has explicitly expressed their wish to receive emails from you and has confirmed that the email address belongs to them. We do not allow sending emails to purchased or received lists. Sending emails to such lists will be considered as SPAM and will result in the suspension of the service through which these messages were sent.

Last update: 7.10.2023

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